How to Buy Cuban Cigars Online

Nov 2, 2024

The allure of Cuban cigars is timeless, celebrated for their rich flavor, aromatic complexity, and meticulous craftsmanship. If you're a cigar aficionado or just starting your journey into the world of premium cigars, understanding how to buy Cuban cigars online is essential. In this guide, we will explore the best practices, essential tips, and trustworthy resources to ensure you make the best purchase.

Understanding Cuban Cigars

Before diving into online purchases, it's important to grasp what makes Cuban cigars so special. Recognized globally for their unrivaled quality, these cigars are cultivated in the rich soils of Cuba, where the unique climate and traditional growing methods contribute to their distinctive flavors.

Cuban cigars come in various brands, each with its own characteristics. Some of the most renowned brands include:

  • Habanos S.A. - The umbrella company that oversees all Cuban cigar brands.
  • Cohiba - Considered the flagship brand of Habanos, known for its luxury and quality.
  • Montecristo - Famous for its balanced taste, suitable for both newcomers and experienced smokers.
  • Romeo y Julieta - A brand known for its approachable flavors and wide range of options.
  • Partagás - Renowned for rich, full-bodied cigars that offer a robust smoking experience.

Why Buy Cuban Cigars Online?

With the rise of digital shopping, purchasing Cuban cigars online has become increasingly convenient. Here’s why buying online is advantageous:

  1. Wide Selection: Online shops like offer an extensive range of brands and sizes that may not be available locally.
  2. Competitive Pricing: Online retailers often have lower prices due to reduced overhead costs and occasional discounts.
  3. Convenience: You can browse and purchase cigars from the comfort of your home at any time.
  4. Information and Reviews: Online platforms provide detailed descriptions, customer reviews, and expert recommendations to help you make informed choices.

Tips for Buying Cuban Cigars Online

Once you've decided to purchase Cuban cigars online, follow these essential tips to ensure you make smart buying choices:

1. Choose Reputable Retailers

Always buy from trusted online retailers. Websites like are well-regarded in the cigar community for their authenticity and vast selection. Look for customer testimonials and reviews, as well as any industry certifications.

2. Check for Authenticity

The market for Cuban cigars can be rife with counterfeits, particularly online. Ensure that the retailer is authorized to sell Cuban cigars, preferably directly from Cuba. Look for features like:

  • Holographic seals: Authentic Cuban cigars have specific holograms on their boxes.
  • High-quality packaging: Check that the box and cigars are in pristine condition without discrepancies in branding.
  • 3. Understand the Cigar Selection

    Familiarize yourself with different types and sizes of Cuban cigars. They come in various formats: Robustas, Coronitas, Churchills, and more. Each has its own flavor profile and smoking duration.

    Take the time to read descriptions and reviews about the specific cigars you are interested in. This knowledge will enhance your shopping experience and ensure you choose cigars suited to your taste.

    4. Pay Attention to Storage

    Cigars are sensitive to humidity and temperature. Ensure that the retailer uses proper storage methods, such as humidity-controlled environments and professional shipping methods. Proper storage preserves the quality of the cigars you purchase.

    5. Review Shipping and Return Policies

    Before completing your purchase, carefully read the shipping and return policies. A reputable retailer will provide clear information about:

  • Shipping costs and methods.
  • Timeframes for delivery.
  • Return and exchange policies in case the product is damaged or not as described.
  • 6. Look for Customer Support

    A reliable retailer should offer excellent customer support. Look for contact options such as live chat, email, or phone support. This is crucial if you have questions or concerns about your order.

    How to Buy Cuban Cigars Online

    Now that you have selected a reputable retailer like, you are ready to embark on your online purchasing journey. Here is a step-by-step process:

    Step 1: Create an Account

    Most online cigar retailers require you to create an account. This process typically involves providing your email address, creating a password, and confirming your age (due to legal restrictions).

    Step 2: Navigate the Website

    Once your account is set up, browse through the different categories of Cuban cigars available. Use filters to narrow down your options based on price, brand, or type of cigar.

    Step 3: Select Your Cigars

    After selecting a cigar, click on it to access more details. Here, you can read a detailed description of the cigar, including flavor notes, strength, and dimensions. Once decided, add the cigars to your cart.

    Step 4: Review Your Cart

    Once you’ve added your cigars, navigate to your cart. Review the items, making sure everything is correct. Check the total price, including any taxes and shipping fees.

    Step 5: Checkout

    Proceed to the checkout. You will need to enter your shipping details and payment information. Most retailers offer various payment options, including credit cards and digital wallets.

    Step 6: Confirm Your Order

    Finally, confirm your order. You should receive a confirmation email detailing your order and estimated delivery date. Keep this email for future reference.

    Storing Your Cuban Cigars

    After successfully purchasing your Cuban cigars online, proper storage is paramount to maintain their quality. Here are essential tips for storing your cigars:

    • Humidors: Invest in a quality humidor to maintain optimal humidity levels (around 70%) and temperature (around 70°F).
    • Avoid Direct Sunlight: Keep your humidor in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight and temperature fluctuations.
    • Regular Maintenance: Monitor humidity levels regularly and refill your humidifier as needed to ensure consistent moisture levels.

    Common Mistakes to Avoid When Buying Cuban Cigars Online

    To maximize your online cigar buying experience, be aware of these common pitfalls:

    • Ignoring Reviews: Always check customer reviews before making a purchase. These reviews can provide valuable insights into the quality of both the cigars and the retailer.
    • Overlooking Shipping Time: Take note of the shipping time to avoid disappointment. Some retailers may take longer to process orders.
    • Neglecting Pricing: Compare prices across different retailers to ensure you’re getting the best deal.


    Buying Cuban cigars online can be a delightful experience as long as you follow the right steps. By selecting reputable retailers like, understanding the selection, and practicing proper storage, you’ll enjoy the rich experience of Cuban cigars without the risk of counterfeits or disappointments. Armed with the knowledge from this guide, you can confidently explore the vast world of Cuban cigars. Happy smoking!